Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle

Let's face it, the cover drew me in when I first saw it at BEA. A falling woman sinking into what? A woman thrown up by magical forces? Like many people, I both cringe and gawk at an accident, and this book drew me in like other "accidents." Once I entered the pages, I was both pleasantly confused and hooked into reading until the end. It's a terrific tale!

Magical Realism... This novel showcases the best aspects of the genre. It begins with a realistic accounting of a seemingly mundane lifestyle with a coincidental family issue. Every year, for about a month, the protagonist's family is prone to accidents; some are minor, but others are so horrific that they stain the future. Throughout the narrator's retelling of events, I was never quite sure if this really happened or if it was the imaginings of a young girl raised in an artistic (read eclectic) family. I think that enigma is what I truly enjoyed about the novel. At some points you say to yourself, "Hey, this is definitely a fantasy novel complete with fairies and witches and supernatural occurrences!" At other times, you convince yourself that these are just the wild imaginings of a deluded young woman. What I particularly loved is that while the ending clarifies many points from the novel, it still leaves the reader wondering which end is up.

The narrator's touching concern for her friends and a "missing" girl drive the plot and add intrigue to the seemingly normal events in her life. The dialogue flows easily and maintains an authentic presence. Vivid descriptions abound and add literary merit to the novel. The suspense builds gradually, but is nonetheless compelling. Many thematic topics are explored including loyalty, friendship, bravery, denial, drug use, secrets, and the paranormal.

Widespread inclusion and acceptance as normal of partying with smoking and drug and alcohol use suggest that it is not appropriate for a middle school audience, but is best suited for high schoolers and older. Adults will enjoy the tale as well!

Read on, my friends! This novel has my high regard.

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